Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Global Issues

I found 5 possible topics yesterday that were very common and large Global issues. I think I really like the topic "Causes of Poverty". I chose this topic because its such a huge issue and no one deserves to be hungry or homeless or not have enough money to take care of there family properly. It has not effected me in my life but I care about that kind of stuff a lot and think how it would make you feel if you didn't have enough food or shelter or money to take care of you and your family. I am very passionate about this topic because as i said i care about this issue and wouldn't want anyone to be in poverty.
        There are may perspectives on this issue. I wouldn't want anyone to be in poverty but also no one deserves to be in poverty. Most all people are for this issue and want people not to be in poverty and have his problem. It is pretty messed up if people want others in poverty. Not a lot of people disagree on this issue. You can have controversy but not some that's very logical. There are many reasons for that. No human deserves that kind of life. One person could sit there and say that isn't our problem that they dot have money to take care of there families. Others like me would say that it is never right to have anyone in poverty because of many reasons. government has enough money they should help with poverty more.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Globel Issues

1. Global Warming
2.Causes of poverty
3.Water deficits
4. Ecosystem loss
5. Education for all

I don't have much background on these issues and that's why I want to learn more and do a project on it. I think they are interesting topics and I would love to learn more. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Current Event on Socail Bookmarking

Logan Glenn
Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is something a lot of people do and don't even realize. When you use twitter or Instagram or anything that you can like or tag can involve social bookmarking. Its just bookmarking something that is on the computer so your friends can also see it. I do have a different understanding of it now because its what it sounds like but theirs more to it. I didn't realize that it was that easy for someone to just simply like something or tag i and it becomes a "social bookmark". I thought there was more to it. And in some cases there is but we all do it everyday and don't even realize it most likely. I think that it is a very helpful tool that helps us see what each other like and a way fro us to see how hey express themselves. I learned about a few new websites that i didn't know about that were called Digg, Reddit, and Propeller. They are news related websites like politics, sports, and technology. A fun fact about this article is that twitter is a huge social bookmarking site.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

TED Talk

I agree with this ted talk. Technology and our phones are taking over our lives and making us feel heard by something that isn't real or has feelings or anything like that. You have to be more verbally connected to be able to communicate effectively. I think that i will be changing how much on im my phone and what i say through text and what i verbally communicate with people from now on. It is effecting everyone i think. Because i think most everyone is connected to the internet and have phones that are controlling our lives.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015


My 3 day weekend was really fun. I hung out with friends and went to a royals game. It was really hot though so we left early and went to my house and hung out there and i had people over! i got to sleep in and just chill it was a good weekend.

Friday, September 4, 2015

PSA in my own words

A PSA in my eyes is something that tells a group of people information about something important. Its a message to the public interest produced by the media without charge. With the goal of raising awareness and changing pubic attitudes and behavior towards a social or political issue. Also they can be used for in class ways to make a project or to portray information.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

70 or 80 Yeas old

I would complain most about is how much kids are on there phones and how much drama the have. They need to not be so connected to social media that's causing drama all around.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How to make a good PSA

There are some main things you will need, a script, graphic design, music, actors and many more. You need to determine what you want your message to be and then you should be good to go with a great PSA.