Logan Glenn
Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking is something a lot of people do and don't even realize. When you use twitter or Instagram or anything that you can like or tag can involve social bookmarking. Its just bookmarking something that is on the computer so your friends can also see it. I do have a different understanding of it now because its what it sounds like but theirs more to it. I didn't realize that it was that easy for someone to just simply like something or tag i and it becomes a "social bookmark". I thought there was more to it. And in some cases there is but we all do it everyday and don't even realize it most likely. I think that it is a very helpful tool that helps us see what each other like and a way fro us to see how hey express themselves. I learned about a few new websites that i didn't know about that were called Digg, Reddit, and Propeller. They are news related websites like politics, sports, and technology. A fun fact about this article is that twitter is a huge social bookmarking site.
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